PANEL: Embarking on the FinOps Journey
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 4:10 PM - 4:40 PM

The introduction of the public cloud is bringing about a paradigm shift in IT financial management across the enterprises. Starting from the way resources are structured and managed, to the shift from CapEx to OpEx based financing. New principles, capabilities and roles need to be implemented to ensure efficient real-time cloud financial management is performed. Cloud FinOps is a framework that brings together the business, engineering and finance teams, empowering them with decision making capabilities. But how do we start the FinOps Journey and what are the key considerations?
- What are pre-requisites for effective real-time transparency into cloud consumption and spend (e.g. tagging hygiene)
- How can I successfully govern my public cloud spend?
- How do I set-up FinOps function in my organization?
Session Type
Job Function
Vendor Management, Finance, Technology
, Measuring Performance, Cost Optimization